Friday, January 8, 2016

Jeers and Jeers of Slides

"Jeers and jeers" is always how my mother-in-law, Eleanor, said "years and years." The tower above is my first project for 2016 - purging our parent's slide collections. The ultimate goal is to get rid of all of the slides.
The white boxes were packed with I figure over 800 slides each. Almost all were taken by my father-in-law. I'm starting with them. The upper 11 boxes are my parent's. They are not so tightly packed and were better edited, but make no mistake, they will be harder to do.
After I purge, I will digitize anything that I want to keep. Then I'll have to edit them some because many of them are deteriorating. Then, for the travel photos I plan to create music slideshow videos. It shouldn't be hard if I name the slides right when I digitize them.  These could possibly be uploaded to YouTube to share. For family pictures I might print them and make scrapbook page - we'll see.
Starting this second week of January, I have emptied two of the white boxes. Three others have only the ones I'm keeping for now - about 200-250 each box. Tonight I tackle the last full one. The clear boxes are pretty full.
Next I'll purge again and start digitizing. We have a machine that takes a picture of the slide and puts it on an SD card, but it is slow going. I will see about having a company do it, but it is 35-50 cents a slide which gets expensive with the numbers I'm looking at. I think this project might take a whole year of TV watching time.
The good part of this is that I've seen a lot of pictures of people I love. I have had a lot of smiles as I remembered good times. I have seen many places - so many, many mountains and beaches and flowers and sunsets.
I may post some of the pictures when I digitize them.

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