Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Catching Up

Well, after my last post you should not be surprised for me to have gone this long without posting here.  Roger and I have been having a blast. Our only problem is that we keep distracting each other and talking and don't get as much done as we'd hoped.

The picture above probably looks like there is a lot to be done. It was taken April 26th when he had been retired for about a month and a half. Most of those vegi garden squares had been overgrown with herbs and weeds and blackberry brambles. At that point we had torn out and replaced the herbs, planted peas, lettuce, tomatoes and squash and some onions.

In the picture below taken May 23rd you can see some growth. We now have potatoes, broccoli (mostly eaten), beans, and cucumbers. We have cut out and/or dug almost every blackberry cane in the back yard. We've replanted the worst blackberry area with raspberry, sweet peas and dahlias. (Next year the potatoes go there too!)
I'll get you some more pictures as I can.

Roger has been fiddling with gutters and also cutting out low hanging limbs and chipping them.
Inside we have donated or sold 15 feet of books.
I TOLD you we are having fun!

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